Craig Dobson
Liberal Democrats
1. We have an approaching demographic that will require additional social care on top of our already strained system. What changes will you advocate to meet this need?
I have worked for the NHS for 30 years mostly as a GP and Medical advisor to a CCG. I have restoring the NHS at the top of my agenda whether elected or not.
I believe that social care and health care should be reintegrated to close the gaps that have formed on its separation. It should be free at the point of use. There is lot of repetition of possible providers and responsibility shuffling from providers. We need to allow the people in the frontline to deliver what is needed rather than be separated who does what task when as is now. We need to train people to do what is needed rather than a general training which is current tradition and of little practical use!
More heath workers: We have a skilled workforce crisis in the NHS and we have had since 1995 at least. Despite genuine efforts to correct this from all those in power this has got steadily worse. Due to the fact that we have internet with trusted sites such as NICE we can switch particularly medical training away from long years of learning and testing to one of finding information and using it, followed by years gaining experience. This is used to train Physicians Associates who initially work with Doctors to gain experience as part of a team. This has worked very well in some parts of the world but not well yet in the UK. Doctors here often oppose them because they take two years following an initial science degree ie 5 years to get to roughly the same point as a doctor takes 12 years to get to. They earn around half the lowest paid consultant and around a quarter of the better paid ones (excluding consultant private earnings). They are a big part of the solution to the component of the health care required.
More social care workers: We also have a workforce crisis in social care. Better pay, conditions and career routes will improve the prospect of social care workers and help address shortages. Perhaps it is time for all wanting to do nursing or medicine to do a year as a carer before starting the degree.
Paying for this will require a new mechanism for which many have been suggested following independent reviews. I think a cross party panel should come up with suggestions based around the many schemes already put forward.
The LD manifesto has some suggested policies https://www.libdems.org.uk/manifesto
2. What do you think is the biggest issue our nation faces at this time?
We are living in interesting times with threats including War, Famine, Social Injustice, and we are locked in a struggle with mother nature to destroy our own existence.
The biggest issue for me is the environmental change that we are thrusting upon our Earth.
We have been waiting for governments to act to provide mass action bearing in mind that some nations and politicians see power in fossil fuels and may not follow our lead. Hence, this country level action is failing as other political priorities such as staying in office shift the focus.
The one thing that I learned from the terrible experience of COVID is that individuals and communities will act to help each other if there is sufficient cause.
In my view, the solution lies in supporting each other to act now as individuals in small groups across Normanton and Hemsworth. As individuals we can act first then spreading to families and communities.
All it requires is the belief in the cause. I understand that some people are still sceptical about global warming despite being surrounded by increasing evidence. To those sceptics I say we need you to join us in repairing the Earth because it’s the right thing to do!
We need to the earth as we would our like to be treated ourselves. We are the custodians of the wildlife and farm animals, and we need to treat them with respect. That is, we need to stop pumping out toxins into the water, soil and atmosphere. NOW!
The LD manifesto has some suggested policies https://www.libdems.org.uk/manifesto
3. Normanton Foodbank continues to get busier and busier. What policy are you backing that will make the most difference to this situation?
The single most important step is the reform of the benefits system to ensure that all can have an adequate safety net. This means they should have enough money to eat. The level may need to be adjusted for local factors such as housing costs.
My personal preference is for a universal minimum income to be provided for everyone starting aged 18 with a projected income below the higher 40% tax band. It would be set near the lowest threshold for income tax at a similar level to the state pension which would no longer be needed (ie replaces the future pension). It would not be taxed. A supplement housing allowance will be given in some areas. A tax incentive to those living at home will be given to those who do so and to the parents /guardians. Those in prison will receive only 20% of this allowance the rest going to their upkeep. This is not Liberal Democrat Policy but it is my dream. If elected I would work towards a pilot for this.
The LD manifesto has some suggested policies https://www.libdems.org.uk/manifesto
4. What will be the biggest noticeable change to Normanton in 5yrs time if your party gets into power?
Normanton will be truly green and pleasant land. It will have moved away from unrestrained capitalism and towards social justice.
There will be no need for foodbanks all in Normanton as all will have enough to eat.
All will have a roof over their heads.
Schools will help our children grow into responsible adults with the ability to find and use information from trusted websites for themselves.
The NHS including dentistry will be working well so that you can get the diagnosis and subsequent treatment including care both medical and social in a timely fashion.
We will all be doing our bit to walk/cycle more and drive less, recycle, and generate renewable energy in our well insulated homes.
More new homes will be built and existing buildings repurposed. They will be required to be highly insulated and self-generating of energy.
Farmers will be supported to regenerate the soil and provide us with high quality food with as little chemical input as possible and ideally none.
As the above happens a positive impact on water quality, air quality and reduced CO2 and NO2 emissions.
The LD manifesto has some suggested policies https://www.libdems.org.uk/manifesto
5. Tell us something surprising about yourself...
I have 6.5 degrees. I was born near Newcastle and completed my medical training in Glasgow. During my medical degree, I undertook a BSc (hons) in Immunology which concerns the defence system of humans. At the same time, I completed an HHO (half higher ordinary degree) in cell biology which looks at how cells work in the human body. I then completed my medical degrees gaining an MB (a degree in medicine) and ChB (a degree in surgery). I then undertook a PhD in anatomy at Glasgow University whilst teaching anatomy to medical students and surgeons at the University. Completing training as a General Practitioner, I gained an additional BA (hons) in European Humanities with the Open University. I then worked as a GP and helped design the curriculum for the Hull York Medical School gaining a MEd (a masters of Education) with the Open University whilst teaching and being a GP.